Expert Profiles

Instructors and Keynote Speakers


The Trans-National History of the Great War (August 26th-29th)

Jay Winter 

Jay Winter is the Charles J. Stille Professor of History Emeritus at Yale University. He is a specialist on World War I and its impact on the 20th century. Winter was also the co-producer, co-writer, and chief historian for the PBS/BBC series the Great War and the Shaping of the 20th Century, which won an Emmy Award, a Peabody Award and a Producers Guild of America Award for the best television documentary in 1997. He has received honorary doctorates from the University of Graz, the University of Leuven, and the University of Paris.



Science and Society in Modern China (June 26th-30th)

Eugenia Lean

Professor Eugenia Lean is a scholar of modern Chinese history, with special regard to history of science, technology and industry. She received her BA from Stanford (1990) and her MA and PhD (1996, 2001) from the University of California, Los Angeles. Before joining the Columbia faculty in 2002, she taught at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. She was featured in Top Young Historians of the History News Network (fall 2008) and received the 2013-2014 Faculty Mentoring Award for faculty in Columbias Graduate School of Arts and Sciences. She is currently the Director of the Weatherhead East Asian Institute.



An Intellectual History of the Northern Pacific World: Political Ideas between China and the Americas (June 26th-30th )

Pablo A. Blitstein

Dr. Pablo A. Blitstein is an Associate Professor at the School of Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences (Ecole des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales), Paris.  He conducts research on both medieval and late imperial China, as well as on global networks of Chinese reformers in the late 19th and early 20th century.  His research interests lie in global and intellectual history, with a particular focus on writing practices and political institutions.  He obtained his PhD at the National Institute of Oriental Languages and Civilizations in 2012.  Prior to joining the School of Advanced Studies in Social Sciences, he worked as a research assistant at the Collège de France, a researcher at the Cluster of Excellence "Asia and Europe in a Global Context"  and a lecturer at Heidelberg University .His research themes include the history of nationalism between East Asia, Europe, and the Americas in the 19th and 20th centuries, the history of knowledge and political institutions in 19th-early 20th century China, and the history of early medieval China.




The Trans-National History of the Great War (826-29)

Jay Winter

耶鲁大学历史系教授杰伊·温特(Jay Winter)是第一次世界大战史研究的领军人物。他召集七十多名历史学家组成的国际团队共同编写了《剑桥第一次世界大战史》,以跨国史视角和研究方法来叙述这场现代社会的浩劫,呈现了大量一手资料和最新研究成果。杰伊·温特的个人著作主要有《记忆之地,哀悼之所:欧洲文化史中的第一次世界大战》Sites of Memory, Sites of Mourning: The Great War in European Cultural History, 1995)、《勿忘战争》(Remembering War, 2006)和《和平与自由的梦想》(Dreams of Peace and Freedom, 2006)等。



Science and Society in Modern China 626-30

Eugenia Lean(林郁沁)

林郁沁Eugenia Lean是美国哥伦比亚大学历史系和东亚语言与文明系教授,同时担任哥伦比亚大学魏德海(Weatherhead)东亚研究所所长。主要研究方向包括中国近现代史、性别史、科技和工业史、情感史等。英文专著有2006年由加州大学出版社出版的Public Passions: The Trial of Shi Jianqiao and the Rise of Popular Sympathy in Republican China (《施剑翘复仇案:民国时期公众同情的兴起与影响》)(获美国历史学会2007年度费正清奖),以及2020年哥大出版社出版的Vernacular Industrialism in China: Local Innovation and Translated Technologies in the Making of a Cosmetic Empire, 1900 to 1940(《中国本土工业主义:化妆品帝国形成中的本土创新及外来科技,1900-1940》)等。




An Intellectual History of the Northern Pacific World: Political Ideas between China and the Americas626-30

Pablo Blitstein(石保罗)

石保罗(Pablo Blitstein)是巴黎社会科学高等研究院副教授,学科专长为中国思想史与法国史学理论。他曾在法兰西公学院(Collège de France)和INALCO担任教学和研究职位。2013年至2017年期间,在海德堡大学(Heidelberg University全球背景下的亚洲和欧洲卓越智群担任研究员和讲师。他对中世纪和帝国晚期的中国,以及19世纪和20世纪初东亚、欧洲和美洲之间的政治网络都过研究。他的兴趣是全球和思想史,特别关注写作实践和政治机构。2015年著有《王国之花》(Les fleurs du royaume)。